When I met Jamal to take these pictures, he told me that he only had one facial expression on photographs and I admit that the thought of ending up with 200 photos looking exactly the same, freaked me out a bit! That would have been a very boring series and not at all representative of this multifaceted Palestinian. Luckily, he was wrong and it couldn´t be differently really, because Jamal is one of those interesting people who can easily wear different hats, good at using his right and left brain, you know, the type of people that the world is really needing right now, according to … well, everyone. He is an entrepreneur and a dancer, and these series of images reflect both sides for sure. Serious looks show his responsible, fully committed and trustworthy self; and his honest smile, his playful enthusiastic side. Strong and fragile, simple and intense, picky for some things (food) and easy going for others (the things that actually matter). His best trick to make this contrast work? is probably how he manages his sensitive side, something that not many men can pull off without losing confidence or scarifying masculinity. Thank you for reminding me how in essence all of us are both weak and strong and that we can comfortably live in between of these opposites. I prove here that Jamal has at least 9 very different photo-faces and my advice for you my friend is to use them all. The range of emotions we see here are the perfect mirror for the well-rounded person you are. Keep growing but please don´t change too much, you are an inspiration.