I think I can confidently say that I have been there for the happiest moments of Milo´s adult life. I was there when he got married to the unquestionable love of his life (Ceci), I was there to meet his first-born son (Matteo) and I got the be there to see him magically turn into a Doctor by a hit on the head and the shake of a hand. For mixed reasons, like sometimes happen when stars "dis-align", Milo arrived alone in Edinburgh for his graduation, leaving half of his family in Argentina and the other half in Italy... luckily, it’s not his style to feel low about things. Like 99% of Italians, passion doesn´t really allow him to be passive, so I have only seen Milo mostly happy or sometimes angry, usually about Edinburgh weather or British food (fair enough), never seen him feeling low. But apart from the help of genetics and cultural background, there is something else that helped him cope with the fact that no one could come to see him graduate, which is a superpower that everyone doing yoga and meditation is chasing, he can just BE in the moment. You will never find him wondering or checking his phone while chatting, which is a joy and rare these days... he will always be interested and engaged in whatever the topic of conversation, this is with the help that he is a walking wikipedia and always have something interesting to say. However, beyond his accurate and interesting stories, his good humor and the "being present" superpower are my absolute favourite things about him. Being certain that despite the huge smile on his face he was missing his family like crazy to share that UNIQUE moment (honestly, doing a PhD is no picnic, I am not big on traditions, but I want a fricking red carpet to walk into the building when/if I graduate), we decided to do an improvised photoshoot around the University campus so he could share this day as vivid as posssible with his very much loved ones back home. This series of portraits reflect Milo´s incredible energy, keep shinning my friend! Congratulations Doctor.