There are people you find that you just know you will keep, because of their unquestionable sense of loyalty and particular sensitivity, which deeply connects them with the people they trust and love. This however, does not mean it will happen fast and Vane took her time with me. I met Vane after I had just moved in with Luca, her boyfriend, which possibly made our first encounter less friendly that it could have been, she doesn´t remember the smile less semi-evil look she gave me, but I do! This tension didn´t last though, with Luca´s crazy early working schedule, making him flea at 5am, Vane was stuck alone with me in the flat where we bumped into each other at more normal breakfast hours. I was on a mission to crack what I sensed was a very thin crust and I am so glad I did, since she became one of my most trusted people in town, a true friend with whom I got to share loud laughs and open soul conversations, much needed during my long and tortuous PhD journey. Vane and I got along so well that she even stole me from Luca to turn me into her own roommate, where we shared a dreamy old Georgian flat in old Marchmont neighbourhood, in the very good company of a third musketeer, Bry. This was the real beginning of our friendship, which developed quickly once we shared a roof, a kitchen and a bathroom. It was here where I could really see Vane. I saw her juggling work and her studies and when despite her impossible schedules she made time to carefully attend her plants. I saw her getting way too emotional about things and when she passionate talked about something she strongly believed in. Fragile and tough taken to extremes, this strong headed, hipper-sensitive, very smart and incredibly brave Catalan is a walking contradiction impossible not to admire. Whatever the weather, to be taken literally if she stays in Scotland, I just know Vane will turn her life in wherever she wants it to be. I know this because I have seen her doing it for years. Her last wish, Gael, sneaked in these pictures just as he sneaked into Vane´s life, a living proof that eventually and without knowing how, she will get everything she desires. You could bump into Vane walking around the greenest areas around, she will be with Gael and possibly Luca, depending on his schedule.