This series was taken in Mezourga desert, Morocco. Dorota, Polish by birth became an American citizen at 13, she currently lives in California and work as a travel nurse (I had no idea what this was before we met). A travel nurse is assigned to different hospitals around the US for a few months at a time, so basically wherever she is needed, she goes. It seemed tough for me how she constantly had to adapt to new people and belong to new places for such short periods of time, and that’s when she explained that in-between jobs she has enough time off (and money) to pursue her real passion, travelling the world! So yeah, then I got it. Dorota turned 40 short after we took these photos, I admire that she has the guts to chase a life that many people only think they can have while in they are in their 20s and that fewer dare to pursue even then. Despite of coming from a conservative family, Dorota has the inner strength to follow what she think is right for her, there are amazing rewards in imagining your life and living it as you want to, but there are also great sacrifices. I met Dorota in a two-week tour we took with 14 other amazing people from all over the world. Dorota and I were solo travelers and I remember thinking when she told me about her work, how can she do that, she seems a bit of an introvert? But then, as I got to know her a bit better and saw how incredibly sweet and selfless she is, I understood her strength was coming from traits that are easily mistaken and labeled as weaknesses (like many times feminine traits do). In this series you can see her smiling and having the time of her life, ready to finish the year exactly like she wanted and already dreaming with new adventures ahead (she left for Dubai a few days after).