Skarleth Atenea, a cinematic femme fatale ready to make trouble and the Greek Goddess of war, justice and wisdom; with these two names you already know this woman must be interesting. Skarleth, the name she chose to go by here in Edinburgh, impossible to spell also had us all confused when we first started studying together at the university and we were all getting facebook invitations from some Atenea looking just like her! Looking back now, this unusual start perfectly suits the playful personality of this lovely mexican. Skarleth is one of those people that seem to live life effortless. Not because she takes the easy road, but because of the way she hits the ball back when ever life shoots a challenging throw, wisely choosing to live in harmony with herself and others. In Chile, we call these agreeable people, “livianitos de sangre”, meaning, light blooded. We use this term for people that make you feel joy just by being around them. You will recognise them easily, they are the ones who avoid conflict and enjoy their life, always, as if someone told them a secret that the rest of us didn´t hear or fail to understand. They know that misery, sadness and over worrying is a waste of time and simple uninteresting next to all the fun you can get out from life and this wise choice makes them the best company around. Skarleth´s photos turned out an accurate snapshots of what spending time with this lovely lady looks like, all laughs, bright colours and a powerful aura brightening up any place she goes. I am not sure if livianitos were thrown on earth by some mystic God or were born with a special gen, but it’s clear they are an evolved kind of beings, acting as prisms that allow the rest of us thick blooded, to see rainbow colours from every angle in life. I am grateful for bumping into this wonderful livianita de sangre and share moments that only this special kind can create. Skarleth is proof that a name doesn’t define you, since the cinematic drama queen from the 50´s certainly didn´t have much in common with my drama-free, light character and down to earth friend. Never change Skarleth, if anything since we are in the land of Dolly, lets clone you too! The world definitely needs more wonderful livianitos de sangre like you. Hopefully, being near you taught me how to sparkle a fraction of your glow.